
Canadian melkolepetnik (shut up guzno): indications for use and medicinal properties of grass

Canadian melkolepetnik (shut up guzno): indications for use and medicinal properties of grass

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Canadian Koniza, foul grass, ostudnik, ragweed, shut up guzno, flea death: all these are the names of the same one-year medicinal plant - Canadian small-lettered.

This plant grows everywhere, it is so inconspicuous that it is popularly considered an ordinary weed. However, in fact, this medicinal annual, although not specially grown on the beds, has pronounced healing properties and has long been used in folk medicine to treat many ailments.

The Botanical Description of the Canadian Small Arbor

Canadian small-peppermint ("shut up guzno" grass) belongs to the genus Small-peppermint from the Compositae family. It belongs to the genus of invasive plants, i.e., those whose distribution occurred as a result of unintentional human activity. The birthplace of Canadian Koniza is the countries of North America, in particular Canada. In the future, this plant was brought to European countries, where it spread at an unprecedented rate.

Small petals - this is an annual herbaceous plant, occasionally - biennial (planted in winter), in height can grow from 10 to 1.8 cm. A small rod root, upright stalk (most often single), ribbed. The green color of the stems, covered with harsh hairs, slightly pubescent, is immediately evident. Shoots with small numerous flowers are located in the upper part of the stems.

The foliage is pubescent, lanceolate, along the edges - cilia, tapering to the petiole. Small flowers are collected in tartlets of yellowish-white color, and tartlets - in paniculate inflorescence. Small petal blooms in the second half of summer. And the seeds appear from mid-August to September.

Plots of growth of small petals

This plant can grow on any wasteland, arable land, along the railway track, in the bush, on clearings. This annual is propagated very quickly by the seeds that appear in this annual in large quantities. The plant is unpretentious, calmly tolerates drought, therefore, survives in any conditions.

This grass is used in landscape design, in particular - in the design of alpine slides.

Collection, preparation and storage of medicinal raw materials

Healing properties are possessed by all the aerial parts of the plant from stems and foliage to flowers. Typically, the procurement of medicinal raw materials should be made during the flowering of annuals - in mid-July. The upper part of the plant is usually cut off completely, without touching the lower part of the stems, since they are too thick and contain a small amount of healing substances.

The flowers are separated from the stems and dried separately. They are laid out in a thin layer on any flat surface in the shade where the sun's rays do not fall. And the cut stems are bundled and dried in limbo under awnings or in any well-ventilated room.

After the raw material is completely dry, it is placed in a cardboard container. The shelf life of this medicinal raw material is no more than a year.

What does the Canadian small skater look like?

Composition and medicinal properties of the grass

This medicinal annual contains a large amount of essential oil substances (approximately 0.32 - 1.71%). Also, the following active substances were found in it:

  • flavonoids;
  • saponins;
  • alkaloids;
  • tannins;
  • choline;
  • vitamin C;
  • limonene;
  • terpineol;
  • dipentene;
  • aldehydes;
  • resins;
  • various mineral compounds.

Such an amount of active substances explains a wide range of medicinal properties of preparations based on the grass "close goosno". They possess:

  • astringents;
  • hemostatic;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • fix diarrhea.

And the preparations based on the Canadian small-leaved oil are effective in the treatment of dysentery, are able to remove toxins from the body, and are used in inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. Decoctions and infusions based on this medicinal annual are able to remove uric acid from the body, therefore, ease the suffering of patients suffering from gout. They also help relieve inflammation in joint diseases such as arthritis, arthrosis, or rheumatism.

Besides, It should be noted the following valuable properties inherent in this medicinal annual:

  • can help stop bleeding, for example, with hemorrhoids;
  • helps in the treatment of diseases of the eyes, cystitis, prostatitis;
  • in the treatment of certain gynecological diseases;
  • prevents hair loss.

Indications for use with small-pebbled preparations

Based on the foregoing, we can say that this is an indication for the use of this medicinal herb:

  • inflammatory processes in the joints;
  • gout;
  • dysentery;
  • severe hair loss;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • hemorrhoidal bleeding;
  • inflammation in the bladder.

Canadian Small Pepper in Traditional Medicine

In folk medicine, various methods of preparing infusions and decoctions based on this plant are used - depending on the diseases for which they are going to be used.

Rules for the collection of medicinal herbs

For the treatment of rheumatism

1.5 tablespoons of dry grass pour 5 cups of boiling water, leave to infuse for ¼ hours. The infusion is filtered and taken orally 200 ml three times a day after meals. Take at least three weeks. Such a decoction can be taken in the treatment of gout or arthrosis. Instead of this method of treatment, you can use biologically active additives, which include the grass "shut the guzlo" - no more than 3 capsules per day during meals.

With intoxication

Often during diseases caused by staphylococci or other similar microbes, intoxication of the body occurs. To remove toxins, use the collection of the following herbs: small petals, meadowsweet and goldenrod (you need to take them in equal amounts). A teaspoon of such a collection requires 200 g of boiling water, leave for at least an hour. No more than 400 mg of infusion should be taken per day before meals. To drink such a fee should be no more than 7 days.

With a hangover syndrome

Mix a teaspoon of flowers and stems of small petals, as well as the same amounts of St. John's wort, sage and horse sorrel seeds. 30 g of this collection brew 500 mg of boiling water, put in a water bath for 120 seconds, remove and insist for another 1/2 hour. Take inside ¼ cup every 60 min until the signs of alcohol intoxication disappear.

Contraindications and Precautions

The petite canadian has practically no contraindications. The plant is not toxic, side effects during the use of drugs based on it have not been identified. Allergic reactions, as well as intolerance were almost never observed. The body does not accumulate substances that make up the small petals, not getting used to it. Therefore, there is no ban on long courses of taking decoctions and infusions based on this medicinal plant. But nevertheless, this herb is not used in official medicine.

However, doctors do not recommend the use of any drugs based on it for expectant mothers, women who are breastfeeding, in case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, and children under the age of 8-10.

And it should be remembered that any herbal preparations and preparations that include this herbaceous perennial should not be taken without consulting a doctor.

Canadian smallleaf is not a well-known medicinal plant. However, a wide range of healing properties of this annual is the main reason why the house should have a supply of this medicinal raw material.

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