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Raincoats are rounded ceps that appear in nature and in parks at the end of summer. They are loved by children, because if you slam the ball with a stick or kick it with your leg, a brown cloud will fly out from the middle. But raincoats are not only remarkable as a fun toy: they taste good and have healing properties.
What does the raincoat mushroom look and where grow
In biology, “Raincoat” is understood to mean a whole genus that is part of the Champignon family, although most recently it was isolated in a separate Dozhdevikov family. These are Gasteromycetes, in which the formation of spores responsible for reproduction occurs inside the fruit body. When it matures, a hole opens at the top so that the spores enter the environment.
All members of the genus are characterized by a round or pear-shaped structure of the fruit body. Unlike most cap mushrooms, they do not have a strictly defined hat. But there is a false leg, smoothly turning into a round part.
The flesh (hleb) is elastic and fleshy. It is this part that is eaten. The color of gleb directly depends on the age of the fungus and serves as a kind of indicator of suitability: only young white specimens have a pleasant taste. When it darkens and the flesh becomes olive, the raincoat loses its culinary value and is considered inedible.
Description of edible raincoat
Types of raincoats differ in appearance and place of growth. But they are united by fruiting from the second half of summer until October and the fact that they are all edible, while the flesh remains white.
Raincoat meadow
Has a small fruiting body, the diameter of which is 2-4 cm. It is rounded, gradually tapering to the base. The flesh of the young mushroom is snow-white, with time acquires yellow, and then brown or olive color. It grows mainly in the fields and along roads.
Raincoat pearl (prickly)
Has a spherical fruit body growing on a thick stalk. Its surface is dotted with thin needles, falling off when touched. The height of the fungus reaches up to 10 cm. You can find it at the edges or in a bright forest.
Raincoat brown (umber)
Tightly sits on the ground, because the leg is almost invisible. It has a small fruiting body (with a diameter of up to 5 cm) of brown color, dotted with dark needles. They can form patterns that resemble stars in shape.
Of all its relatives, a giant raincoat differs, often reaching the size of a soccer ball in size. True, this is a rare mushroom, and in the middle zone it is rarely seen. A giant raincoat grows on old pastures, fields or meadows; less commonly in deciduous forests.
Giant Raincoat Collection
The healing properties of the raincoat mushroom
Raincoats are successfully used in alternative medicine. The composition of their pulp includes beneficial substances that have a positive effect on health.
The healing properties of a raincoat:
- cleansing - the fungus is an excellent absorbent and removes harmful compounds from the human body;
- taking folk remedies based on it is used to cleanse the liver and intestines;
- it leads to normal blood counts;
- Separately, it must be said that he, like a sponge, absorbs radionuclides and removes them from the body.
- the pulp stops the blood and promotes the speedy healing of wounds.
For many centuries, such healers have been known to folk healers who use these gifts of nature in their practice.
The use of raincoat in traditional medicine
The application of a raincoat is diverse:
- With skin injuries. Many mushroom pickers know that if cut or burned in the forest, then you need to look for a raincoat. It should simply be spread in half and attached to the injured area.
- Topical application of folk remedies from this fungus will help with skin diseasesremoving inflammation and accelerating tissue regeneration. For example, with hives or boils.
- The broth is used in the treatment of diseases and respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia, and even tuberculosis). According to healers, this remedy is not inferior in value to chicken broth.
- Giant look use for prevention and growth arrest, because it contains Calvacin.
Also, a raincoat is used for preventive purposes, if you want to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. After that, a person feels better and is filled with vitality.
False raincoat types and their toxicity
Outwardly similar to their raincoats, their relatives are false. According to scientific classification, they belong to the Sclerodermataceae family. On the territory of Russia and neighboring countries, the common and warty false raincoat is more common. Both are visible unsuitable for eating and are even called weakly poisonous.
When used, a person feels a slight malaise, and if you eat mushrooms in large quantities, a classic picture of poisoning will appear. Sometimes false raincoats cause an allergic reaction in the form of conjunctivitis and a runny nose. Although there is no direct threat to life, mushrooms must be bypassed.
Common raincoat
The species is found in Eastern Europe, in the north of the Caucasus and the Far East. Prefers to grow in well-lit coniferous and deciduous forests, in meadows and along paths, choosing dry places. The fruiting time is from July to October.
It has a nondescript fruiting body of yellowish color, not exceeding a height of 12 cm. Brown scales, wart formations and cracks are located on its surface. There is no false leg.
Warty puddle
The mushroom has a tuberous or kidney-shaped form. It differs from the ordinary false raincoat by the presence of a false leg about 1.5 cm high, although there are specimens with a 5-7 cm leg. The color of the fruit body can be from gray-white to brown. On its surfaces are warts.
This cosmopolitan species grows in both hemispheres, including in the tropical zone. The fruiting time is August-October. You can find it in forests with hardwoods (for example, oak), at the edges, in gardens, along roads
Where raincoats grow and how to collect
Mushroom recipes with a raincoat
Raincoats, when cooked properly, are an excellent ingredient for many dishes. But only young mushrooms with white pulp possess high taste properties. When it becomes brown and brown, stiffness appears, and the pleasant taste and smell disappear. The mushroom picker should also know that the finds cannot be stored for a long time: they are prepared immediately after collection.
Raincoats in a pan with sour cream.
For cooking you will need:
- raincoats;
- rast. oil;
- bow;
- salt and pepper to taste;
- a spoon of sour cream.
Mushrooms are cleaned and washed, and large specimens are cut into cubes; then the raincoats are fried in oil for about 30 minutes. At this time, intensive release of mushroom juice occurs with a delicious aroma, in which the pulp is additionally stewed. In another pan, half the onion rings are fried. They must be added after cooking, roast along with salt and pepper, leaving the dish on the fire for another 20 minutes. After this time, it remains only to add sour cream.
Rain soup
To prepare a rich soup with a pleasant smell, you need:
- 5 raincoats;
- 4 medium potatoes;
- 1 onion;
- 1 small carrot;
- vegetable oil;
- 2 bay leaves;
- to taste - salt and black pepper.
Mushrooms are processed, cut into cubes and immersed in a pan with 1.5 liters of water. First boiling time - 20 minutes. Salt and spices are added to the broth, chopped potatoes for another 20-30 minutes. In parallel, pass onions and carrots, which are sent to the soup 5 minutes before readiness. The dish is served with fresh herbs and sour cream.
How to make raincoats
Raincoat Schnitzels
The pulp of a raincoat is suitable for cooking unusual mushroom cutlets. You will need:
- 500 g of fresh raincoats;
- 500 ml of milk;
- 100 g of flour;
- 1 egg
- vegetable oil;
- salt.
First, batter is prepared by mixing flour with an egg and salt. It should be like sour cream of medium density. Mushrooms are cut into thick slices and sautéed in butter, previously dipped in batter.
Raincoats are interesting and useful mushrooms. Unfortunately, many people pass by them, not knowing about the useful properties and excellent qualities of these white balls. Having prepared them according to all the rules, you can taste a delicious dish that will benefit the body.