Category House and garden

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Jasmine hedge in the country
House and garden

Jasmine hedge in the country

Jasmine is one of the few plants with such a bright aroma. Such an amazing smell is usually not characteristic of plants of the middle band. And, indeed, this fragrant plant with delicate white flowers is actually called "mock up", and real jasmine is thermophilic, and only an indoor plant is found in Russia.

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House and garden

Ramson: beneficial properties and features of growing

Wild garlic is an amazing plant that combines the properties of onions and garlic. At the same time, it is used not only in cooking, but also in traditional medicine in the treatment of a number of diseases. Botanical description of wild garlic The wild garlic plant has many other names: garlic grass, bear onions, leverda, wild garlic, forest garlic, and it is also called a bulb, since the root crop (onion head) resembles a narrow cone.
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House and garden

Common wormwood: healing and beneficial properties of Chernobyl

How many of us have not seen wormwood walking in the woods or on the road to the lake? This plant ruthlessly breaks out in dachas and vegetable gardens, but do not treat it so disdainfully. Wormwood can help in the treatment of certain diseases, relieve parasites and relieve pain. Botanical description and area of ​​common wormwood Not everyone knows that the other name for common wormwood (or Artemisia Vulgarius in Latin) is Chernobyl.
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House and garden

Field wildlife, or delphinium: description, medicinal properties and characteristics of the use of a medicinal plant

Delphinium, shingles, larkspur, fern - this is not a complete list of names of one- or perennial herbaceous plants belonging to the Lyutikov family. All of them are poisonous, as they contain alkaloids. Larkspur is growing in many areas of Eurasia, North America and Africa. Description of the species of wildlife. About 4 hundred species of plants are known, united by a common name.
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House and garden

Beautiful autumn topiary made of natural material

To make a topiary of natural material with your own hands, you do not need to have special talents and skills. The richness of shapes and colors of seeds, nuts, cones and dried flowers allows you to create amazing souvenirs from literally nothing. It is enough to prepare beautiful fruits and flowers, spikelets of cereals, moss, twigs and other materials in the summer and autumn.
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House and garden

Chinese (Beijing) cabbage: features of planting and care

To grow Beijing cabbage (petsai) is possible for any vegetable grower, it is important that the gardener knows that Chinese cabbage has its own characteristics. This vegetable has been recognized in different countries for its nutritional qualities and ease of cultivation. The culture is diverse, various varieties can be grown from spring to late autumn.
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House and garden

Bok-choy cabbage: useful properties and features of growing

Karl Linney, referring the Chinese plant Pak Choi (bok-choi, or literally "horse's ear") to the cruciferous family, considered it a cabbage. Modern scientists attribute it more to a variety of turnips. But according to tradition, this early vegetable culture is called Chinese cabbage, though not simple, but leafy. Description of Chinese kale Bok-choy Chinese kale (Brassica chinensis), and in English bok choy, or pak choy, turnip cabbage looks like a leaf beet or salad.
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House and garden

How to store tuberous begonia in winter

The proper storage of tuber begonia in winter is of interest to many beginner growers, because the plant, due to its heat loving ability, is not able to winter in open ground. Therefore, during the cold weather, you have to dig up begonia tubers and put them in storage, providing the plant with peace. Only with the right wintering will it be possible to count on lush flowering in the coming season.
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House and garden

Black walnut in folk medicine

Black Walnut (Juglans nigra) - a plant belonging to the type species of trees and the Walnut family (Juglandaseae). This valuable tree in vivo grows in North America. Description of black walnuts An unusual tropical culture for adequate fruit formation needs sufficient heat.
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House and garden

Summer mushrooms: where to collect and how to distinguish from false

Honey mushrooms include several species of mushrooms that are united by habitat, namely, that they usually grow on tree trunks. Summer mushroom is one of the common mushrooms that are eaten. How mushrooms look like summer mushrooms The size of the hat reaches 6 cm in diameter. In a young fruiting body, it is convex, and when growing older, it becomes flat with a central tubercle.
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House and garden

Pale toadstool: how to distinguish from similar edible mushrooms

Pale grebe (Amanita phalloides) belongs to the kingdom of the Mushrooms and the family Amanita. There is a mortal danger beneath an unprepossessing appearance: it contains toxic substances that can lead to death of a person if it enters the body. What does a pale toadstool look like and where does it grow? It is a cap and agaric, the fruit body of which first has the shape of an egg, covered with a special film, and then becomes flat.
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House and garden

Forsythia: Tips for Autumn Care of the Harbinger of Spring

Forsythia, or Forsythia, can be found in many corners of the globe. Virtually no city in Western Europe can do without this tree with a long history: in early spring, Forsythia adorns the streets with its bright yellow-gold inflorescences densely covering the branches. The article is dedicated to gardeners who want to provide the beauty with the best conditions for wintering.
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House and garden

Beginner mushroom picker: carefully, false mushrooms!

Only experienced mushroom pickers know that the abundance of honey mushrooms in the forest is an alarming sign of his troubles. These mushrooms often parasitize on birch, spruce, aspen, which for some reason get sick and disappear. Among the edible varieties of these forest gifts, their dangerous counterparts - false mushrooms, often grow. Botanical description of false mushrooms. Not all mushroom lovers can recognize inedible or poisonous species among forest gifts.
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House and garden

Champignons: varieties, benefits and harms of mushrooms

Description of champignons is well known. To distinguish edible mushrooms on your own, you need to know what types of champignons are. How mushrooms look like champignons Adults, fully ripened and ready to harvest fruit bodies, are represented by a massive, fairly dense, rounded or more flat hat with a white or brownish surface, smooth or covered with dark scales.
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House and garden

Features of thuja propagation by cuttings in autumn

Independent breeding of arborvitae in the local area is not a difficult and very exciting event. However, it is necessary not only to propagate correctly, but also to correctly plant the conifer. Advantages of thuja autumn propagation by cuttings The main advantage of coniferous reproduction in the autumn period is the possibility of obtaining a full-fledged plant in three years.
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